The Job Code per line relates to a "job", "segment", or "sub-RO" on the RO. It is usually a sequence number - 01, 02, 03, 04, ... or 010, 020, 030, 040,... allowing applicable DMS integrations to consume this code to nest operations with the same Job Codes. Configure up to thirty job codes for estimates.
New Operations Table <Screenshot Coming Soon!>
Edit Operation
Administration (COMING SOON)
We have developed a method to expand the flexibility of the Job Code feature for locations currently using or would like to use this feature. Job Code now supports the ability to select a default code to be used in these fields for all cases. Some locations prefer a default Job Code because it changes by exception only. Other locations choose not to have a default Job Code because they only add these by exception.
Enabling the Job Code Feature
Administrators can access this admin page by clicking the ADMIN button in the top navigation bar. Once on the Administrative Tools page, click Customize Your Database, then Job Codes.
*By default, the Job Codes feature is disabled
Checking the "Enable Job Codes" box and adding at least one JOB CODE will display a column in the (new) operations table and a row on the edit operation page for Job Codes.
Once a JOB CODE has been entered, the SAVE button will become active, once clicked a success notification will display stating "Job Codes have been saved"
Three Columns
Job Code - a free text entry field | Set Reason For Repair To - a drop-down with two options:
| Default - radio buttons, this column is disabled by default |
To rearrange codes, simply drag them by the handle to the left of each row.
Below the table, you will find a "+ CREATE JOB CODE" button. When clicked, this button will add a new empty row at the bottom of the table. If there are already 30 rows in the table, this button will be disabled.
Clicking “CANCEL” will discard any changes and redirect to the “Customize Your Database” page.
Mapping Reason for Repair to Job Codes
We have developed a method for locations utilizing the Job Code feature to map Job Codes to "Reason for Repair"* categories [WARRANTY] or [GOODWILL-MANUFACTURER]. This will eliminate the need to manually set the "Reason for Repair" when a mapped Job Code is used on an operation.
*For more info, see "VMRS Code Key 14 Reason for Repair"
Set Reason For Repair To - a drop-down with two options:
When visiting the admin page with previously established values, if any “Reason for Repair” selection is no longer valid (because that Reason for Repair is now disabled), a warning message “Reason is disabled” will be displayed below the select box. The "SAVE" button will be disabled until the invalid selection is cleared or a new valid selection is made.
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