This article focuses on how to calculate charges, taxes, and fees from the DMS. This feature allows you to call DSI from within Decisiv to get taxes, shop supplies fees, and hazardous materials fees based on the parts and labor selected for a case in Decisiv. It also enables you to capture this information before creating a Request Order (RO) on the DMS. This will provide you with a more accurate estimate, so there aren’t any surprises when the RO gets invoiced.
The taxes and fees will be calculated when parts are sold to the RO and will update in the case when the user clicks Calculate Charges.
NOTE: To get an accurate calculation, all parts must be set to SOLD to the RO before you click Calculate Charges. If any parts are still set to ESTIMATE instead of SOLD, they will not be included in the RO calculations.
To calculate charges, taxes, and fees from the DMS:
- Open the case for editing in Decisiv.
- Scroll down to the Operations section, locate the Case-Level Actions, and click Calculate Charges. A green checkmark will appear beside Calculate Charges.
Refresh the page. If any changes have been made to the estimate, the amount will be updated accordingly to calculate the necessary taxes, shop supplies, and hazardous materials from the DSI based on the parts and labor added to the case.
NOTE: Calculations will be based on Parts and Labor entered in the Decisiv Case. For this feature to work properly, the Sales Taxes (Admin - Customize your Database - Sales Taxes) and Shop Supplies, Hazardous & Misc. Charges (Admin - Customize your Database - Shop Supplies, Hazardous & Misc. Charges) configurations are set to zero (0).
Service Provider Set-up Requirements
The DSI Calculate Charges function is set up as default to a Disabled status until the dealer completes this setup process.
- To enable the Calculate Charges functionality with DSI, a dealer will need to:
- Have an active Export Case to Repair Order integration between their Decisiv Service Location and DSI.
- Submit a Help Request to Decisiv Support and ask your Customer Support Representative to Enable this functionality.
- You should back up what is already configured in the Sales Taxes, Shop Supplies, Hazardous & Misc. Charges section before removing the configuration in case you might need to change these settings in the future.
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