Internet Explorer Browser
In IE, you have the ability to drag and drop an attachment into the attachments section of a case as long as the file is dropped on the Choose File button.
Export to RO
To prevent the creation of duplicate Repair Orders when you double-clicks on Export RO, the link will be temporarily disabled for a subsequent click until one of the following conditions occurs:
- You get a response from the DMS (whether successful or not).
- Your connection to DMS times out (approx 1 minute).
Corrected Defects
On the All/My Cases screen, you can hover over a Case Number or Repair Order Number link to display a pop-up hover window that shows the most recent Case Notes for that case. The maximum number of notes displayed in that pop-up hover window is three notes. Displaying the pop-up is sensitive. Pop-up hover windows near the bottom of a large number of cases will now open above the link to keep the pop-up visible.
Corrected the problem when a service provider user created a new Contact record, for either a Fleet or a Local Customer, the default settings for the Contact did not include Email Notifications for Notes. This meant that when the service provider sent a note to the new Contact, no email was sent. Now, "Note" will be enabled for Email by default when a new Contact is created.
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